Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 18, 2017          Jesus Gives Us Authority
         This week, I want to tell you a story about a woman named Florence. Florence was 92 years old, and lived in a small community of 500 people. Florence loved her church, attended services on Sunday and was active in the Women’s Fellowship. And there was one other thing that Florence did for her church, and that was bring new members into the church. Now Florence was not a hardcore evangelist, but she had a simple formula. She would look for someone who was new to town, and then invite the woman of the house to coffee or tea, as a welcome to the community.
Florence had a real talent for telling stories and listening. She also had a talent for crafts, pottery, and painting, which she would show to those who came over. Florence would also talk about the opportunities there were to make friends in the church, and to get information that would be helpful in setting up a new home. She would also invite them to church, and if they came on a Sunday, she would introduce them to as many people as possible. And finally, she would follow up with them, and invite them over for additional visits. Sometimes, she would even teach them to tat, crochet, quilt or paint. By the time Florence passed away, almost everyone had a Florence story to share, and over half of the church first came there through contact with Florence.
Now I realize that not everyone can be a Florence! Some might say that Florence was just a housewife – but I know plenty of housewives whose schedule is quite full, raising kids, doing housework, shopping, and even taking part time jobs to pay the bills. Some might say, that Florence was a widow and had lots of time – you can ask those who are widowed and retired about that one. Some might laugh, just like Sarah did in our old testament lesson this morning, unbelieving that Florence’s efforts could make a difference in people’s lives. or their church.  And finally, some might say, gee thanks pastor for trying to lay some kind of guilt trip on us - that is NOT my intention.
So what is my intention… My intention is to talk about Jesus sending out the twelve apostle’s to tell people “the kingdom of heaven is at hand”, to heal those who were sick, and to drive out unclean spirits.
Now as many of you know from reading the gospels. The disciples were a rather ordinary and somewhat motley crew, who spend most of their time not understanding what Jesus did or said. And until this surprise announcement that there are twelve disciples, Matthew has only shown us Jesus calling some fishermen, and a tax collector, to be disciples. Unfortunately, this new list doesn’t look much better, including both a religious zealot, a greek and a traitor. Not exactly priests, or ministers or even evangelists.
So when Jesus tells them what they are being sent out to do, they probably said, “you expect us to do what?” But of course, the text doesn’t say that, instead it simply says Jesus gave them authority to do these things, and so that’s what they go out and do! And that’s the key thing I focused on in the text this week. Jesus gave them authority! And as disciples of Jesus, Jesus gives us authority! And what authority is that you might ask. It is the authority that comes from knowing God’s grace towards us in Jesus Christ. As the well known spiritual puts it – Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see!
You see, just like those goofy, bumbling disciples, we don’t have to understand it, we don’t have to know how it works, all we have to do is remember how that amazing grace came into our lives, at a time when we were sick, or lost, or a stranger, or hungry, or thirsty, or naked, as Matthew will later put it in his gospel. All we need to do if find ways to share that amazing grace with those around us! And one thing more, one very important thing, when we remember that amazing grace, showing that grace towards others is not a burden, but a joy!
As a minister, I have met many people who have found ways to share this amazing grace. A Music teacher who made it his job to integrate a new student into his song and dance choir each year. A retired farmer who looked for kids whose families were in trouble, and invited them to join his horse riding group. A man who when the power went out, checked on his neighbors and brought candles to them, and when it snowed would check on them as well. A woman who when a neighbor’s spouse passed away, made a donation to pay the hall rent for the funeral luncheon – even for neighbors she didn’t like much. These are but a few examples, and I would bet that there are plenty of these in at Union Congregational, and in churches throughout the country. Examples of people who have found creative ways to share God’s grace, and who Jesus has given authority to be his apostles.  

Now, I don’t expect you to go out and try to be Florence! But as disciples of Jesus Christ, I encourage you to look for those opportunities to share God’s grace in your lives with those who are sick, those who are lost, those who are strangers, those who are troubled. For by that Amazing Grace shown to you in Jesus Christ, you have been given authority to do the works that Jesus has done, and even greater works!  And that’s the good news of Jesus Christ. 

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