Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 2, 2017                A Cup of Cool Water
This past week, I read a story that I hadn’t read for quite a while, the story of the star thrower. It seems there was a man who went out to the beach every morning, and for an hour, he would throw starfish that had washed up on the beach back into the ocean. Now there was another man who took a walk each morning  on the beach, and he would see the first man throwing the starfish back.
After weeks of seeing this on his morning walk, the second man came up to the man throwing the starfish back into the ocean and said, “What are you doing?”  And the first man said, “I’m throwing these starfish back into the ocean before they dry out and die.” The second man said, “But there are so many on the beach, hundreds and hundreds of them, how can you hope to make any difference? To which the first man replied, To the ones I throw back, it makes all the difference in the world.”
When I read this story, I thought of our gospel lesson this morning. At first Jesus speaks about welcoming Prophets and Righteous people, and receiving a reward for that. But then, he goes on to talk about giving a cup of cool water to one of the little one’s and that no one will lose their reward for that.
Now every time, I have worked on this passage, I have stumbled a bit over the Prophets and Righteous people part of this teaching. But over time, I have come to realize that the writer of Matthew’s gospel is speaking about the early church. Prophets are those wandering Evangelists that inspire congregations with their preaching. The Righteous people are the leaders of the church, the deacons and trustees and council members who do the work of the church – all good stuff. And the little ones are the members of the church who serve and are served by each other, as well as those non-members who are served by the church in their community.
And I think the reason Jesus says this, is because people can become caught up in thinking, that it’s only the Prophets an the Righteous people that make a difference. When all it’s really about is making a difference in people’s lives, which each and every one of us can do by giving someone thirsty a cup of cool water, by visiting in a hospital or nursing home, going to a funeral visitation for a grieving friend, being there to listen when someone needs a friend, lending a car someone whose car is in the shop, donating or working in a food pantry, sending a mission gift to people in need, making something for a community feast, or giving of one’s time and talents to work on a community project.  
You see, the last few weeks, I have emphasized stories about disciples of Jesus, who lived their faith by doing simple things, and making a difference in people’s lives – that’s because, I read to the end of Matthew’s narrative, and read this line, about giving cool cups of water to little one’s – making a difference in their lives, in that moment of need, that’s what it’s all about! And you don’t have to be a Prophet or Righteous person to do that, all you have to be is a disciple of Jesus Christ!
Now, about that reward. Friday, I went to the Sandwich Opera House and saw the Great Moon Time Caper!  Here were some 75 little ones, some 25 teachers and helpers who did something special! The kids danced and sang and laughed and you could see how wonderfully happy they were! And the opera house was packed with family and friends, clapping and cheering every scene, and laughing at all the jokes, and the witty rewritten lyrics to popular tunes –my personal favorite was the new take on Sinatra’s fly me to the moon. You know, you can’t put on a production like this without those gifts of the Holy Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, charity, and self control. I bet a hundred or more cups of cool water went into that production, moments when people had to be there for each other, and the reward will be thousands of wonderful memories, that these children will share with others, throughout their lifetimes, and their children, and their children.

You see, we gather in worship to hear the gospel message, and then we go forth and practice the gospel in our lives. We don’t need to be preachers, we don’t have to be in charge, all we have to be is disciples, and believe that God will let no act of love or faithfulness be lost, because it won’t be! And that’s the good news of Jesus Christ! 

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