Monday, November 20, 2017

November 19, 2017             Give Thanks                                          

           On this wonderful Sunday morning, I’m going to start with a very sad story. This story comes from Father Andrew Greeley, and it reveals one of the great illnesses of humanity. The story goes that there was a young man, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Within weeks he went from a dull headache to torturous pain. All of the man’s friends
and family withdrew from him, not knowing what to say or do, only his wife and mother stayed close to care for him. They went to many a surgeon, who declined to operate. Then a famous surgeon whom they had written, agreed to look into his case. The tests and x-rays were all performed and the doctor agreed to operate, warning them that the man could die on the table, but that the doctor felt confident that he could get the tumor. The couple agreed to take the risk. After hours of surgery the surgeon came out and announced, “I got it!”. The man returned home recovered, and went on to a successful life and career. So what’s sad about that, you might say, well 20 years later, the wife of the man saw the obituary of the doctor in the paper. “We should go”, said the wife, but the man replied, “I’d like to, but it’s on the weekend, and I have an important golf tournament to go to.” Yep, that’s the sad part of the story. I suppose you can see where I’m going with this, the man in the story is one of the other nine lepers, healed, but not well.
         In Seminary, I had an old testament professor who taught us to read the psalms. And when he came to psalm 100, and the other psalms of praise he said, “To live is to give thanks, and to give thanks is to live.” Now I don’t have as many years as some of you, but in those years I have come to realize that some people give of themselves only if they feel they must, perhaps as CS Lewis says, out of concern for what others may think of them if they don’t. And some people give of themselves because they want to be a part of whatever they are asked to give to. For some of these people, not being invited or asked or allowed to contribute is a denial of who they are. We should all be so lucky to have this spirit, for it is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Life!
         Now I have only been a pastor of this church for 5 months, most of it over the summer, but I have already witnessed the spirit of this church and this community. In the last month I have seen people who gave up time with family to speak at a funeral or help with a church function. I have heard people talk about being disappointed about missing an opportunity to contribute to a mission they did not know about. I have seen people passionately speak about and support the missions of this church. I routinely see people sign up and show up for the work of the church, and of course, they enjoy the fellowship – that’s what God wants us to do! But I also get a strong sense, that this giving of ourselves at Union Congregational is our way of giving thanks to God, and that is what makes us alive, and what makes Union Congregational a living church!
         This past week I fretted about our Stewardship campaign, was I  to heavy handed, did I make people feel bad, did what I have to say make a difference. Now I know that people shouldn't give to the church because of the pastor good or bad. But I do know that a pastor's behavior or preaching can affect people's faith and giving. Fortunately, my fears were unfounded. The latest report I have is that 19 pledges of nearly $62,000 came in. That is an increase of nearly $17,0000 over last year! And I just want to give thanks, for the generosity, commitment and giving spirit of our membership! And I give thanks not just for those who pledged, but also those who have not, for many still support the church without pledging. And I give thanks for all who contribute to our church, whatever the amount, even if it is in helping to serve, providing cakes or pies or food, or serving on a board or committee of the church! I give thanks for all of you!!
         For I know that there are widows among us, with only coins. I know that there are people with college debt, and health issues, and lost loved one’s, and financial problems, and on and on, and still you give to the church, giving thanks to God for what blessings you do have, for your church family, and for Jesus Christ! You give not to be seen by others, but to give thanks to God, to be a part of God’s plan and mission here at Union Congregational, and in the world. You give because you already know, that in giving of yourself, you are giving thanks to God, and that is what it means to be alive, and well!

         And that’s the good news of Jesus Christ!  

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