YBXmseve 2017 Joseph’s Story
"Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. But just when he resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.' All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet:
"Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel', which means, 'God is with us'. When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife, but had no marital relations with her until she had born a son; and he named him Jesus." Matthew 1:18-26
This morning I told you the story of Mary. Mary was not one of the favored one's of the world, but she was favored by God. Mary was a powerless one, who had no control over her life, no control over what would happen to her. Mary was probably 12-14 years of age when she was betrothed to Joseph. She probably worked as a servant girl to make money for her family. She was an ordinary, everyday girl, who lived under the rule of Rome. She knew poverty, injustice, and prejudice. But Mary made a choice, rather than give into despair at the circumstances of her life, she chose to trust in God's Word to her, to trust in God's love for her and live.
This evening, I want to tell you the story of Joseph. Joseph was a carpenter, perhaps 16 or 17, who had completed his apprenticeship and was ready to raise a family. I know this seems young today, but in those days, children had to grow up quicker, become adults sooner, and shoulder responsibilities younger. And so, Joseph reached an agreement with Mary's parents to marry her, and she was betrothed to him.
But then something happened, Mary was found to be with child, and Joseph had no idea what to think. She must have told him about the angel visiting her, and it being from God, but for any one this must have been just to much to believe. Joseph probably felt betrayed, and began to consider how he might get out of his betrothal to Mary.
Now in those days, the law was clear, a woman caught in adultery was to be stoned. This also included betrothed women whose husbands would not acknowledge the child as theirs. But Joseph felt compassion for Mary. Our gospel story tell us that Joseph was a righteous man, as far as men can be righteous on their own, so he decided to divorce her quietly and leave her to raise the child on her own. This was not much of a favor, for there would be questions following the divorce, and a widow raising a child on her own, was not a good situation for mother or son.
When I have preached on this passage in the past, I have mentioned the requirement of the law, and the righteousness of men, and then I have spoken of the righteousness of God. It was this righteousness that God awoke in Joseph with the visit of the angel. A righteousness born not of the world, but of compassion for mother and child. And it was this compassion in Joseph's life that let him to take Mary as his wife, and to care for her and the child. It was this divine compassion that allowed the Baby Jesus to be born into the world and created a safe space in which to grow.
Brothers and Sisters, Matthew's gospel tells the story of a great battle between the kingdoms of the world the kingdom of God. In this battle the kingdoms of the world hold all the material advantages. But the birth of Jesus changed that. Jesus contrasted the ways of the law and of men, with the righteousness of God. Jesus revealed to them the power of the Holy Spirit and faith to overcome their sufferings and to realize God's kingdom in their lives. For Matthew it is that divine spirit of compassion that empowers us to to live new lives and give life to one another.
Now anyone today, who reads the news or watches tv, can clearly see that this battle rages today. There is plenty of injustice, prejudice, violence, and poverty around, and sometimes it seems like the world is winning - but have faith. For Matthew tells us, that in that one act of God's compassion in Joseph's life, the world has been forever changed. Jesus has been born into the world, and in his life was victorious over the powers of this world. All we need to do is to believe in the righteousness of God in our lives. So this Christmas, and each an every day forward, discern the righteousness of the law, the righteousness of men, and the righteousness of God. Who knows, what one act of Godly compassion could do in your life, and in the lives of those around you. It might just change and save the world. And that's the good news of Jesus Christ.
This morning I told you the story of Mary. Mary was not one of the favored one's of the world, but she was favored by God. Mary was a powerless one, who had no control over her life, no control over what would happen to her. Mary was probably 12-14 years of age when she was betrothed to Joseph. She probably worked as a servant girl to make money for her family. She was an ordinary, everyday girl, who lived under the rule of Rome. She knew poverty, injustice, and prejudice. But Mary made a choice, rather than give into despair at the circumstances of her life, she chose to trust in God's Word to her, to trust in God's love for her and live.
This evening, I want to tell you the story of Joseph. Joseph was a carpenter, perhaps 16 or 17, who had completed his apprenticeship and was ready to raise a family. I know this seems young today, but in those days, children had to grow up quicker, become adults sooner, and shoulder responsibilities younger. And so, Joseph reached an agreement with Mary's parents to marry her, and she was betrothed to him.
But then something happened, Mary was found to be with child, and Joseph had no idea what to think. She must have told him about the angel visiting her, and it being from God, but for any one this must have been just to much to believe. Joseph probably felt betrayed, and began to consider how he might get out of his betrothal to Mary.
Now in those days, the law was clear, a woman caught in adultery was to be stoned. This also included betrothed women whose husbands would not acknowledge the child as theirs. But Joseph felt compassion for Mary. Our gospel story tell us that Joseph was a righteous man, as far as men can be righteous on their own, so he decided to divorce her quietly and leave her to raise the child on her own. This was not much of a favor, for there would be questions following the divorce, and a widow raising a child on her own, was not a good situation for mother or son.
When I have preached on this passage in the past, I have mentioned the requirement of the law, and the righteousness of men, and then I have spoken of the righteousness of God. It was this righteousness that God awoke in Joseph with the visit of the angel. A righteousness born not of the world, but of compassion for mother and child. And it was this compassion in Joseph's life that let him to take Mary as his wife, and to care for her and the child. It was this divine compassion that allowed the Baby Jesus to be born into the world and created a safe space in which to grow.
Brothers and Sisters, Matthew's gospel tells the story of a great battle between the kingdoms of the world the kingdom of God. In this battle the kingdoms of the world hold all the material advantages. But the birth of Jesus changed that. Jesus contrasted the ways of the law and of men, with the righteousness of God. Jesus revealed to them the power of the Holy Spirit and faith to overcome their sufferings and to realize God's kingdom in their lives. For Matthew it is that divine spirit of compassion that empowers us to to live new lives and give life to one another.
Now anyone today, who reads the news or watches tv, can clearly see that this battle rages today. There is plenty of injustice, prejudice, violence, and poverty around, and sometimes it seems like the world is winning - but have faith. For Matthew tells us, that in that one act of God's compassion in Joseph's life, the world has been forever changed. Jesus has been born into the world, and in his life was victorious over the powers of this world. All we need to do is to believe in the righteousness of God in our lives. So this Christmas, and each an every day forward, discern the righteousness of the law, the righteousness of men, and the righteousness of God. Who knows, what one act of Godly compassion could do in your life, and in the lives of those around you. It might just change and save the world. And that's the good news of Jesus Christ.
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