Monday, September 10, 2018

August 19, 2018           Wisdom and Foolishness                                         
As I noted in the introduction to our reading from the book of proverbs this morning, we are introduced to two women. I like to call them Lady Wisdom, and Madam Foolishness.
Lady Wisdom is the wisdom of God, and through Lady Wisdom, God built the creation, the house in which we all live. That house, the creation, rests on 7 pillars, a number that represents the wholeness and completeness of God’s design. Lady Wisdom is present in every bit of that creation, and is there to instruct us in God’s will and purpose, and to nourish us with God’s design for our lives and future.
Lady Wisdom does not rest. Lady Wisdom daily prepares a feast. She slaughters the animals, she gathers the vegetables, she cooks, she cleans, she puts out the fine china, lights the candles, puts flowers on the table, and she mixes the wine. And when the feast is prepared, she sends out her servants to call people to the feast – You that are simple turn in here! Her invitation is to the lost and the confused, those frustrated by the world and it’s vain pursuits, to them she offers purpose and meaning, good health and clarity of thought.
To those who come to Lady Wisdom’s table, the food is simple and good, it is satisfying and does not weigh down one’s stomach. The wine is light and delightful, it does not dull one’s senses, but heightens one’s appreciation of life and living. One might compare the feast of Lady Wisdom, to Communion, for in that feast, one comes to see the Goodness of God, and all that God has given to us. 

In contrast to Lady Wisdom, there is Madame Foolishness. Madame Foolishness thinks she knows a great deal, is ready to share her opinions with everyone, and insist that she is right about everything. Madame Foolishness thinks a great deal of her looks, and dresses herself up with the thought of using seduction to get what she what she wants.
Madam Foolishness is never busy. She sits at the front door of a house she did not build, she likes to be seen about town, and sit in the high places so that people can praise her. Her house is disorganized, and she can’t keep servants, because she drives away those whom she calls to serve her. She produces very little, and all that she has comes from what she has stolen from others.  Do you know any people like this?  
Ironically, Madam Foolishness extends roughly the same invitation to all, “You who are simple, turn in here.” But her invitation to those lost in the world is entirely different. It is not an invitation to purpose and meaning, but to self-indulgence and gluttony. She promises that her stolen food is sweeter than the real thing, but it is overly rich and ultimately unsatisfying, it weighs down the stomach, dulls the mind and sickens the soul.  As time goes by, the feast of Madame Foolishness, darkens one’s eyes toward living, and steals away the will to live.

This morning, the Apostle Paul tells the Ephesians, “Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil.”  Brothers and Sisters, I tell you, the days are always evil, and always good! While we might tell ourselves, “that years ago things were better”, even if they were, there were always the voices of Lady Wisdom and Madame Foolishness calling to us. And in every generation, we are called to conduct ourselves either according to God’s Wisdom, or in debauchery – wild living. For in the first case, God’s Wisdom, there is life, and in the second case, debauchery, there is death.
Now I know, that simply by being here this Sunday, that all of you have heard the call of Lady Wisdom. But I also know, that all of us, to some degree struggle with the choice of who to follow. And so I encourage you to examine your lives and discern in which areas of your life you choose to listen to the call of Madame Foolishness. And then make the decision, to run ….. run for you life, back to Lady Wisdom, so that your life might be saved.

Which brings us to our gospel lesson this morning. The Jewish leaders who scoffed at Jesus talking about eating his flesh and drinking his blood were devotees of Madame Foolishness. With these words, Jesus was calling us, not to cannibalism, but to the feast of Lady Wisdom. He was calling us to that table, where the bread of life was served. And all who believe in him, all who live in his Spirit, take the wisdom of God into themselves, and have life in this world, and life everlasting. And that’s the Good News of Jesus Christ.    

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