August 5, 2018 Bread of Heaven
It seems the news
is daily filled with talk about Russian interference in our elections. Although
most of what I hear is talk, I have heard very little about the nuts and bolts
of how they are supposed to be doing this and why? Which is why I found an
article on this subject this week that was very interesting.
The article focused on 3 million tweets that
have been collected over the past 2 years that have been identified as coming
from computers at the internet research agency in Russia. Now the article
breaks these tweets down into a number categories, but the two that stand out,
are called left troll and right troll. Troll being the term for someone who
posts something inflammatory on the internet to start an argument.
The left trolls
post statements that seek to divide and anger voters on the left. E-mail
posts about dissatisfaction with the left, the hopelessness of voting, radical and false statements
about black lives matter, impeachment, and the me too movement are meant to
start arguments on the left. The right trolls post statements meant to fire up
and anger those on the right. Most of these statements are focused on
immigration, the border wall, fake news, and attacking the integrity of the
justice department.
Now most of you
will say, that you don’t follow twitter so you may not be effected by any of
this. However, many of you use email, and facebook, and the internet, and guess
what – all of these have been compromised as well, through ad’s comments,
posts, chain emails, news items, and etc. And even further, some of the less
scrupulous news agencies, repeat these news stories, because they are more
interested in ratings, than they are in the source of these articles.
So, if you are
wondering what all this Russian interference in our elections stuff is all
about, it’s all about making dividing, distracting, confusing, and making
people in America angry at each other, so that we don’t know what to believe,
or how to choose the people who will serve the best interests of our nation.
That’s what it’s all about!
So what does this
have to do with our scriptures this morning? Our first story talks about the
grumbling and complaining Israelites in the wilderness, who basically say they
would rather return to slavery in Egypt rather than be free in the wilderness.
And I kind of get that, .. being free is tough stuff, it often means being
responsible for what one thinks and says and does. Being a slave on the other
hand is easy, as a slave, whatever you do or whatever is done to you is someone
else’s fault. In the end, God provides bread and quails, so that the people end
their grumbling, are fed and have the chance to become united.
Our gospel lesson
this morning, continues on from the story of the feeding of the five thousand.
As I mentioned last week, this miracle story is meant to show us the contrast
between the worldly message of scarcity and the divine message of abundance.
This week, the crowds follow him, not simply because he fed them physically,
but because he fed them spiritually, the gospel message gives them hope, and so
they follow him. Hope for peace, hope for freedom, hope for unity.
And finally, Paul has
this to say, to the Ephesians who are a diverse congregation suffering attacks
from the surrounding community that threaten to divide them.
I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life
worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and
gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every
effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one
body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling,
one LORD, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all
and through all and in all.
I hope you can see where I
am going with this. Our nation is under attack from people who would seek to
divide, distract, and have us destroy ourselves. As long as we continue to act
as partisans, and by partisan, I mean people who love their party more than
their nation, they will continue to succeed. But as Christians, we are called
to God above nation, nation above party, and people above politics. We are
called to reject division and seek unity in our lives together, for as
Christians, we believe that all are children of God, potential brothers and
sisters in Christ.
We do this, because hope and
truth are our bread of heaven. The hope and truth revealed to us through faith
in Jesus Christ. And each act of faith in our lives, each time we reject
division and seek unity, each time we act in love toward our fellow humankind,
each time we suffer one another in love, we do so seeking the kingdom of God to
become present in human life. That’s where the rubber meets the road, in our
daily Christian lives. And in doing so, we are fed spiritually with the bread
of heaven, Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
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